Més informació [ Detall d'activitat

9006240500   Teaching very young learners (3-7 years old)
2016-2017   Curs. Educació Infantil-Primària
   3/7/2017 - 10/7/2017 (30 hores) de h a h
   Institut d'Estudis Nord-americans
   Via Augusta, 123 (Barcelona) 
Format   Presencial
Organització   Servei de Formació i Desenvolupament Professional del Personal
   Horari de 9:00 a 14:00 més una hora on line.
Inscripció   15/05/2017 - 31/05/2017
Descripció i   Metodologia:   This is a practical series of workshops to help teachers develop and share ideas for
their classes based on different topics and stories. Teachers will receive materials and
create some to use in class during the year. The focus is on the Infantil level checking
the “capacitats” and multiple intelligences as we work with the material.
Objectius   1.To analyse the rationale behind the materials we use and the methods and approaches that can be used in class.
2.To participate in the creation of materials to use in class with different stories and topics and receive some from other teachers and the tutors.
3.To share your own materials with other teachers.
Continguts   •Analyse the rationale behind the materials we choose for our classes
•Develop stories taking into account the development of the “Capacitats” and multiple intelligences.
•Using common and uncommon topics for primary students to develop more than just language in the classroom.
•Developing topics including different types of learning styles including arts and crafts, drama, stories and games.
• How to assess your VYL students and different methods to use.
• Group Project and presentation.
Formador/a   Carol Ibáñez, Sara González, Adriana Garcia, Alena Widows
Avaluació   Teachers will be assessed by their peers and tutors on their presentations in groups. How the story was developed, explained and the activities included. Teachers will also be assessed in the active participation in the class forums online where we will analyse materials, different methodologies and approaches, and share materials.
Requisits de  certificació   1.Minimum attendance: 80% of face to face hours.
2.Positive evaluation of every task proposed during the course
Teachers will be assessed by their peers and tutors on their presentations in groups. How the story was developed, explained and the activities included. Teachers will also be assessed in the active participation in the class forums online where we will analyse materials, different methodologies and approaches, and share materials.
Persones  destinatàries   Early Childhood and Primary English teachers
E-mail   estiullengues@xtec.cat
 Sessió 1   dilluns   03/07/2017   0900   1400 
 Sessió 2   dimarts   04/07/2017   0900   1400 
 Sessió 3   dimecres   05/07/2017   0900   1400 
 Sessió 4   dijous   06/07/2017   0900   1400 
 Sessió 5   dilluns   10/07/2017   0900   1400 

Generalitat de Catalunya
Departament d'Educació
Pla de formació permanent